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Personalized Children’s Backpacks


Excited to send the kid to school? Get the premium quality, soft and Personalized Children’s Backpacks. Our Personalised Bags are unique and easy to wash.

Send the kid to school with SWAG with our Personalized Children’s Backpacks.


These Personalized Children’s Backpacks are double layered, soft, quilted and easy to carry for ages 1.5 to 4 years

Length 12 inches
Breadth 11 inches
Width: 4 inches

Waterproof lining provided inside the Personalized Children’s Backpacks.

2 water bottle pouches on the sides

Adjustable straps

Washable (Drt wash recommended for first wash)

Embroidery method used for the Personalized Children’s Backpacks

This Personalized Children’s Backpacks will add to the excitement of the Kid’s early days to school. The Personalised bag is also a great gifting option for birthdays,

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